Therapist User Manual - Logging in & Passwords

Therapist User Manual - Logging in & Passwords



Therapist Guide to Log In and Password Management


Name:     Matthew Stolls 

Title:     Corporate Transformation Lead

Table of Contents

Table of Contents    

1.    Purpose    

2.    Logging in    

First time log in    

Future log ins    

3.    Portal Landing Page    

4.    Changing password    

Change Password tab    

  1. Purpose

The purpose of this guide will be to provide a full guide for login and password management when using the VHG platform, the guide will also provide you with an example of what to expect with your first-time logging in.

  1. Logging in  

First time log in

When you are added to the VHG platform you will receive a welcome email from the system that’ll contain a registration link. As well as, a link to all our guides and the support link should you run into issues. 

An example of how the email will look is below:

Dear Colleague,

Great news, the time has come. We are up and running with our new system and are thrilled to confirm you can now access your platform and user profile to set yourself up.  This can be done by following the link below.  

[Account registration link] - There will be a link here in the real email to enable setup for each individual user.

We have started this process for you by completing some of the basic information but now we ask that you kindly review and update your profile as a first step, secondly adding your availability in.  Please load in your availability for appointments to start from the 1st June onwards.  We have a user guide to support you through this with the link below and should you need any support you can raise a ticket using the same link. The same links can be accessed via the platform in the Support tab. We hope this will be a positive and exciting change for you, making your lives easier. 

User Guides

There will be a link here in the real email for user guides in Zoho. 

Raise a Support Ticket 

There will be a link here in the real email to raise a ticket in Zoho.


Kind regards,

The Team at Vita Health Group

Future log ins

There is a security feature in our Making People Better case management system (MPB): the One-Time Password (OTP). This enhancement is designed to provide an extra layer of security and ensure that your access to client information remains safe and protected.


What is OTP?

An OTP is a temporary, unique code that will be sent to you each time you log in. It is valid for one session and cannot be reused. This ensures that even if your login credentials are compromised, unauthorized access to the system is prevented.


Why are we implementing this?

The introduction of OTPs reflects our commitment to protecting sensitive information while ensuring compliance with ISO standards and Cyber Essentials guidelines for data protection. By implementing this additional layer of authentication, we strengthen the security of our case management system, safeguarding both user accounts and client information.



How does it work?

1.    Enter your username and password as usual. 

1.    You will receive an OTP via your registered email.

2.    Enter the OTP in the designated field to complete your login.

Please follow the instructions as shown above. 

If you encounter any issues or have questions, please contact our support team at


  1. Portal Landing Page

A picture containing text, software, computer icon, web pageDescription automatically generated

  1. Changing password

 Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

Change Password tab – used to change password as required.

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

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