Therapist User Manual - Patient Sections

Therapist User Manual - Patient Sections



Therapist Guide to Patient Information section, assigning Questionnaires and resources


Name    Matthew Stolls 

Title    Corporate Transformation Lead

Table of Contents

  1. Purpose

To provide a full how to guide of the patient information section on the VHG platform.

  1. Patient Tab 

    Lists details of the Patients that have been referred.

    Each heading in the column section can be filtered by clicking on it.

    Specific patient details can be accessed by clicking on the name of the patient in this section.

When clicking on a patient name the following patient details are presented:

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Patient Info tab - is shown in the above screenshot and has episode of care, referral details and GP information.

Appointment tab – shows appointment information and status of appointments both past and upcoming.

Health History  has high level clinical information in the first section and timeline of patient episode of care in the second section. Is also where documents, reports and notes can be uploaded. 

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated with medium confidenceSee completing and updating appointments to understand how to fill in a session note.

    Current work status and Risk can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon next to the description.

Uploading a document – as required a document can be upload to the patient history by clicking on the upload document button which then enables the follows details to be inputted.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Adding notes  this means a note can be added to the patient history by clicking on the add not button, selecting what type of note it is and then adding the details.

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Add a discharge report – this enables the patient to be discharged with a discharge reason and if required a discharge report which can be populated as per adding in a clinical notes template. The below boxes appear below the questionnaire section at the bottom of the page on clicking the button.

Add reports and letters – as per the discharge report button, adding reports and letters enables either to be added to the patient history as required.

Questionnaires – section to assign and view historic questionnaire results completed by the patient. When assigning questionnaires they must be for a specific appointment that is booked and this gives the patient the notification (via the patient viewto complete these no sooner than 24hrs before the appointment is due to take place. 

Contract  VHG use only not required.

Recovery Charts  provides a dashboard and clinical detail on recovery for the Questionnaires that have been completed

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Resource library  resource material that will support a patient’s recovery can be assigned in this section by clicking Assign Resource blue button. Existing resources can be seen in the list below this. A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

To then assign a new resource the tick box of the specific resource can be selected and then “Assign Resource”. This shows up in the patient area form them to use as a resource when required.

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