VHG guidance on appointment cancellations/postponements by therapists

VHG guidance on appointment cancellations/postponements by therapists

VHG good practice guidance for cancelling/rearranging sessions at short notice



Liz Smith (Senior Counsellor)




We understand that sometimes therapists may need to cancel and rebook a session with a client at short notice for unavoidable reasons such as illness or other personal circumstances.


This document outlines some guidance and expectations around good practice to ensure that short notice cancellations are managed appropriately, disruption to clients is minimised, and any actions taken are properly documented.



1.         Contacting clients and setting expectations. 2

2.         Documenting client contact 2

3.         How to access support 2


1.    Contacting clients and setting expectations


  1.      Clients should be informed of a session cancellation via their preferred method of contact, which should be obtained in the contracting process in the first session.
  1.      Where possible, clients should be given the option to rebook the session from your next available time slots at the time of cancellation.
  1.      If this is not possible, please indicate to your client when you will be able to contact them to rebook their appointment.
  1.      If your absence lasts longer than expected, please keep VHG and your clients regularly informed.
  1.      Unless a client has specified voicemail as a preferred contact method, we recommend that voicemail is not used as a means of informing clients of a short notice cancellation as we find that clients often do not check voicemails regularly.
  1.      If technical problems prevent you contacting a client via their preferred method and there is not sufficient time to raise a ticket, please phone 0333 222 0710 or email vita.support@vhg.co.uk so that our team can assist.


2.    Documenting client contact

At the earliest possible opportunity, please make a note on your client’s file on the “Making People Better” (MPB) system regarding any short notice session cancellation or rebooking. This assists communication between therapists and VHG support and ensures we have accurate records in the event of any dispute.

  1.      Mark the cancelled session “Appointment Cancelled by Therapist/VHG” in the Attendance section.
  1.      Use the “Clinical Note” function to document when and how the client was informed of the session cancellation and what was agreed.
  1.      Add the next session on MPB at the earliest opportunity so the client receives confirmation that their next session is booked.
  1.      If you are not able to access MPB, please raise a ticket or use the contact details above so that someone can add these notes on to the system for you.

3.    How to access support

You can request support/advice from network.clinical@vhg.co.uk in any of the following circumstances:

     If a client is unhappy with a short notice cancellation or feel that they cannot wait for your return for support.

     If your absence is likely to be significant and you feel that this would be detrimental to the client’s wellbeing or to the therapy process.

     If you have immediate welfare, safeguarding or risk concerns please contact ptsriskduty@vhg.co.uk


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